Monday, February 26, 2007


The CSULB Library is closing off floors two and three of the in mid-March - that includes mid-terms and finals.

Not many people were available for comment in the Library, and when asked about the closures librarians and other library employees all directed to the Library Dean - who was unavailable.

They directed me to look into the LINK+ system, because that is how students are going to be getting books. An interesting fact is throught the LINK+ system, CSULB loans out more books through the system and Inter Library Loan (ILLiad) than they borrow. Not only is this affecting students and faculty at CSULB, but it is also affecting students and faculty at the other libraries in the network.

But a solution may be on the way... according to an e-mail to library personell, "The uncertainty regarding access to 2nd and 3rdfloor stacks after March 14 was resolved this a.m. We will be able to page from those (of course) we'd originally intended."

This picture was taken by me on the third floor of the library.

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