Sunday, March 11, 2007

Floor by Floor Library Update

On Monday I went into the Campus Library for an interview with one of the associate deans, Sara Sluss. Instead of simply telling me what was going on with all of the renovations, she opted to give me a tour. Here is a floor by floor update of the library:

Lower Level: This level has re-opened and is now equipped with desks for student use as well as media, current periodicals, course reserve, map collections and a big section is blocked off for storage.

When I was there they had moved the desks to close off one corner of the floor and covered the new carpet so they can store the incoming furniture. They couldn't order them to be here for completion of each stage, because there is no where to put it, Sluss said. So the furniture is coming in as the floors are reopening.

Ground Floor: As we all know, there is, of course, a new Starbucks on this level, and there are now restrooms open on this floor. Thank goodness! With all that coffee.......

There is also the new circulation desk that is open and the reference desk (and books) are back. There is a temporary computer outpost, and if you were to visit the library today, you would see the workings for 200+ computers - all with new furniture. There will be big tables for studying around the wall and there will also be Wireless Internet available. For all those technology savvy students who bring their laptops to school.

Second and Third Floors: Well, as we know from previous articles - pretty much nothin'. I went in to get some books on Friday that were (just my luck) on the third floor. I went to the circulation desk on the first floor and luckily they weren't closed off yet. But any day now (since it is now "mid-March" just like the library said) these floors will be inaccessible to students.

Lucky for us, the Library finally figured out a way to get the books to us, and not a moment too late. The Library will have a paging system. They were vague on the details, but what I got out of it was that you fill out and order form, submit it and within 24 hours you will get the materials.

Fourth Floor: This floor houses mainly administration, books and more offices. There is also some tech services (I believe, but they may have moved back down to the Lower Levels). I think that the library has to get more done before they can close the fourth floor because it has a lot of people to move (the administration themselves!)

Fifth Floor: This floor houses the children's collection as well as the mystery collection. The mystery collection was on one of the floors that will be closed and they managed to find a place to move it. There is also a great study place. It has about 100 (this is just from me doing a quick count) chairs around tables for four and eight. It also has (this is my favorite part) cushy chairs. Great for napping - I mean reading.

This floor is eventually going to be opened up into one big study floor lots of room and tables and, if we're lucky enough, more cushy chairs. For online remodle news check out the remodle page on the Library's website.

For the picture I googled "CSULB Library" under images. It is actually from the CSULB website, but there was no photographer listed (that I saw).

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